Dungeons and Dragons ("DnD"): The Rise of Tiamat: Season 3 Episode 25 Adventure #57
Date of Session: August 3, 2020 (5:30 pm to 8:30 pm)
Number of Players: 3
1. Gundam, Model K (SOLDIER War Forged) Level 6
2. Killion Gilgamesh (WIZARD Avariel) Level 6
3. WIFI (CLERIC Bunny Humanoid) Level 6
Series Regular NPCs:
1. Vincent “Cent” Kelsier (Male Druid Water Genesis, Captain of the Waverider)
2. Roshi Nighthill (Male Chibi Human, Former HERO Academy Student)
Recurring Guest Star NPCs:
1. The Almighty / Krypto (Formless Deity, A.I. of the Wave Rider)
2. Hisoka (Male Clown Humanoid, Pro Hero, Unknown Species, N.G.O.)
3. Gaara (Male Red-Headed Human, Sand Bender, N.G.O.)
4. Lily Nighthill (Female Chibi Human Fighter, Roshi’s Younger Sister, N.G.O.)
5. Rukia Byakuya (Female Bunny Humanoid, Swordswoman, N.G.O.)
6. Twenty the Goblin (Male Berserker Goblin, Expert Pilot, N.G.O.)
7. Spook Kelsier (Disfigured Male Human, Swordsman, N.G.O. Teleporter)
8. Baxter (Female Cow Humanoid, Weapons Expert and Engineer, N.G.O.)
9. Vinjiro (Male Water Genasi, Vin Doppelganger, Water Breath Swordsman)
10. Fire Lord Venture (God Fire Genasi, the Ruler of the Venture Nation)
11. Vin Menos (Male Water Genasi-Dragon Hybrid, Convicted Villain)
Season 3 Episode 5—the mid-season finale—concluded the “Genasi War Two-Parter Arc” while also setting up the next arc. I have enjoyed season 3 so far despite my plans having gone off the rails. I thought the “War on Cybertron Arc” was going to be half the season, but this unexpected route proved that improvising usually leads to better results.
Last we left off, K-Krew decided to dump the special Fire Genasi blood into the Oasis Water, where they found Hisoka lurking around right off the bat.
They believed Hisoka to be an enemy at first, but then he revealed his close friendship with Princess Yue, claiming to be an ally to help the Water Genasi win the war. He also dropped how reuniting with the children was just a “special bonus”. Killion asked bluntly why Hisoka gotta make everything weird like that.
Together, K-Krew and Hisoka ventured into the Spirit World after dumping the blood into the Oasis. They discovered Princess Yue was infected; the blood manifested as a Fire Lord Venture infection into the Spirit World. Hisoka and K-Krew worked together to fix their mistake and remove the blood. After a fierce encounter, Hisoka managed to do so with his bubble gum abilities. They departed the Spirit World and took the sample back to Dr. Vin, wanting an explanation on how to create a more efficient vaccine.
Dr. Vin and Hisoka explained that the blood and small drops of the Oasis Water would be the better method based on what happened. K-Krew relied on Dr. Vin to do that while they prepared to attack the Venture Nation on the Day of the Eclipse.
They awakened all their allies—Roshi, Gaara, Twenty the Goblin, Trudy Overlord, Shane Offender, Rukia, etc.—and updated them on all that’s happened during this arc. All of them agreed to help and fight against the Venture Nation. Vinjiro and Cent Kelsier also joined the fray, having been granted permission from The Council of Vins to give Cent some level of freedom in order to pilot the Wave Rider. Then they formed a plan to take down the Venture Nation when their fire bending goes away.
Before that though, WIFI wanted to buy more level 3 scrolls but had no gold pieces. This led to a funny detour right down to the casino, where they gambled for an hour or so to earn 8,000 gold pieces. Killion was the leading gambler, managing to win some gold pieces for himself. Gundam also won some gold pieces for himself. They actually found time to gamble before the Day of Black Sun.
After preparing everything and getting a good long rest in, K-Krew and their allies invaded the Venture Nation. Ten minutes before the Eclipse arrived, Vinjiro piloted his ship while Cent piloted the Wave Rider with new upgrades. Gundam spent the long rest not resting and installing Mega Zord and Satellite mechanics. These improvements were installed for the fight against the Blue and Red Dragons.
While the ships battled the dragons, K-Krew took a jump ship and traveled to the mainland, wanting to attack the Fire Lord Venture personally. They fought many Fire Genasi along the way, but they managed to find the Fire Lord hiding in an underground bunker. Fire Lord Venture whipped out two swords, but he offered them the chance to surrender. Of course, K-Krew refused and battled the Fire Lord Venture. Six more Fire Genasi tried to intervene, but Roshi and Gaara fought them off.
K-Krew ended up battling and defeating the Fire Lord before the Eclipse arrived. He overestimated himself against them. They also blinded him so he couldn’t access his Amaterasu Technique; that was a big part of why he wasn’t winning.
K-Krew took down the king and forced the Fire Genasi to surrender, winning the war for the Water Genasi Vins. However, since the two sides couldn’t find a real compromise, the Fire Genasi ended up using the power of Sozin’s Comet to create the Great Wall of Genasi to separate their two nations. K-Krew still found this a win and earned the 150,000 Gold Pieces. After the war, K-Krew decided to team up with Professor Mirna and her mission to free Mas O from Ninth Hell.
To do so, they would need to wake Eri Menos up from her deep slumber. Since they had no idea where to start, K-Krew went to Vin Menos for advice. Vin Menos agreed to help awaken Eri in exchange for taking him as their prisoner on the Wave Rider. The Council of Vins agreed to transfer the huge-ass responsibility on K-Krew. Ven Menos was officially in their custody on board the Wave Rider.
Vin Menos told them that the key to awakening Eri was inside her own mind. They needed to somehow go inside and dig out her consciousness, which has been buried and protected by her own magical powers. As a result, Baxter created three chambers for the players, allowing them to virtualize into Eri’s mind. They agreed to the task and allowed themselves to be virtualized. The session ended with them being downloaded.
This was a fun session that concluded another two-parter while also setting up the next phase of the story. This arc—the “Virtual World Arc”—was something I wanted to do last season when they saved her, but it wasn’t right. I’m glad it’s right now! Plus Ultra!