Dungeons and Dragons ("DnD"): The Rise of Tiamat: Season 1 Episode 10 Adventure #41
D&D The Rise of Tiamat: Season 1 Episode 10
Date of Session: March 10, 2020 (4:00 pm to 10:00 pm)
Number of Players: 3
Kai-Ku Midoriya (FIGHTER Human, Kai-tick’s Vessel) Level 4
Gundam, Model K (SOLDIER War Forged) Level 4
Killion Gilgamesh (WIZARD Avariel ) Level 4
Series Regulars NPCs (NPC must appear in 5+ consecutive sessions to qualify):
Professor Stoner Head (Mummy, Dormitory Adviser, Gym Teacher, Power: Negation)
Roshi Nighthill (Chibi Human, H.A. Freshman Student, Power: Bulk Up)
Twenty the Goblin (Berserker Goblin, New H.A. Student)
Recurring Guest Star NPCs
Principal Gen Kai (Elderly Female Human, Lord Eggza’s Vessel, Power: Spirit Wave)
Professor Uncle (Elderly Male Human, Archaeologist Teacher, Power: Unknown)
Bon Bon (Female Human, Dormitory Adviser, Gen Kai’s Assistant)
Nurse Kissey Kiss (Female Human, Head Medic, Power: Healing Kiss)
Shane Offender (Male Human, H.A. Student, Kai-tick Fan Boy, Power: Earth Bender)
Adam (Male Human Warlock, Shane’s friend and H.A. Student)
Unnamed Dragon Born Friend (Male, Shane’s best friend, H.A. Student)
Marvelous (Male Human, former “Menos Blue” Student, Power: Copy)
Baxter (Female Cow Humanoid, Worker at HERO Support)
Grandma Dorothy (Female Human, General Store’s Shopkeeper)
Toguro (Alleged Male Human, Public Villain / Undercover HERO, Power: Muscles)
Professor Gear (Gear Bot 145, Hired Villain, Prisoner at Light Speed Prison)
New NPCs Introduced:
Chester (Young Human Boy from Baldur’s Gate)
AJ (Young Human Boy from Baldur’s Gate)
The Season Finale Session has finally arrived. Ten sessions. Ten episodes. First Season composed of three arcs: “The Surgeon” Arc (episodes 1 through 5), “Search for Gen Kai” Arc (episodes 6 and 7), and “Mid-Term Exam” Arc (episodes 8 through 10). This session was incredibly epic: character-driven moments, good fights, amazing role-playing for everyone at the table.
There were also meaningful references to our old campaign (The Enforcers), and the plot moved so naturally at the right time. A major NPC from the old campaign is coming back in an important manner. We were all having a good time.
The Perfect First Season Finale.
The session began with causal downtime. This was where the role-playing moments shined. K-Krew are training to master Spirit Energy, a magic system that incorporates tons of anime.
Kai-Ku is learning about the monster that dwells inside him, Kai-tick’s purified soul has come back into play. Kai-Ku and Kai-tick have an intense hatred for each other, which prevents Kai-Ku from being able to master Gen Kai’s Spirit Wave Technique. What will he do?
Gundam is learning how to use his Data Drain (Level 1), a new Spirit Energy Technique channeled through his new bracelet. With this, he can activate a powerful Awakening for his friends. Gundam is training to unlock level 2 to somehow negate Awakening’s unreliable drawback. Consistent NAT 1 bullet dragons were also part of training during exposition scenes.
Killion was given a Golden Egg by Gen Kai, who stole it from Gilgamesh, to channel his Spirit Energy into. This awakened into an actual Enkidu Owl that can transform into legendary chains that can restrain Toguro for a time. Killion is trying to master evolution.
This session was mostly driven by their character-driven goals. Like I said, we were having a lot of fun so figuring out power-ups, their next moves, and actually getting to level 5 felt like a hard-earned moment. It was a hard-earned moment. D&D The Rise of Tiamat’s First Season’s payoffs were met. Also, there were seven fight scenes in this finale session. This is the order based on my memory.
K-Krew vs Shane and Friends
K-Krew vs Toguro (Mid-Term Exams Protractor)
Kai-Ku vs Roshi Nighthill (rematch)
Gundam vs Shane (sparring match?)
Gundam and Genkai vs Kai-Ku / Kai-tick the Kin Slayer
Kai-Ku and Toguro vs Whale (not really a fight, but it happened)
Kai-Ku and Gundam vs Bandits
K-Krew had one more encounter with Shane and Friends, the frequent bully group throughout the First Season. K-Krew was trying to make a rope weapon, and asked Shane’s Warlock friend—Adam—for assistance. They made a deal, betting lives to ridiculous degrees.
K-Krew vs Shane and Friends in actual combat. Adam taught Kai-Ku how to use dispel magic as a reaction. Shane and Gundam went into a sword fight barrage. Gundam’s a serious fighter against Villains. Gundam sees Shane as a villain because he’s a bully. I enjoy this logic so much. Killion attacked with magic missiles and bailed throughout battle.
Kai-Ku NAT 20 Talk No Jutsu Adam to their side. Killion, Gundam, and Kai-Ku defeated Shane and Friends. They found it a good warm-up for the Mid-Term Exams. Roshi and Marvelous and Shane are taking the Mid-Term Exams together.
The Battle Portion, revealed by Professor Stoner Head through Gundam’s “We Are K-Krew” Persuasion, will be an escape battle. The students, in teams of three, have five minutes to escape their Proctor and reach the Escape Gate. Their Proctor will act as a Villain during the exam. K-Krew believe Gen Kai will be the Proctor they will fight.
Gen Kai told them to stop being dimwits and to follow her out to the Battle Arena. It was time to take the Mid-Term Exams. Professor Uncle boated K-Krew and Gen Kai to Second Island. There, K-Krew face off against Toguro. He came back to be the Proctor of K-Krew’s Mid-Term Exam, the battle portion.
They will battle in the Arena for five minutes, and it isn’t the goal to defeat Toguro in a fight. The main goal of the exam is to run to the Escape Gate before the time limit runs out. All three players must escape to pass the test. Toguro starts at 20% power, curious and excited to see K-Krew’s new powers. He can sense they’re all stronger.
Kai-Ku and Toguro fought one-on-one, trying to help Gundam and Killion pass the Escape Gate first. Kai-Ku was barely able to hold Toguro back. Killion tried to sneak. However, Toguro overpowered Kai-Ku briefly to attack Killion through the building window. The Nat 20 knocked Killion down for a moment. Gundam decided to use a teamwork maneuver: Awakening. After a Data Drain on Toguro, Gundam powered everyone up to overtake Toguro. They powered up and were ready to get past their villain. Killion gained a new power known as Enkidu Chains, Gilgamesh’s keepsake—most valuable weapon—that Killion has inherited. This was the results of K-Krew’s Spiritual Energy Training that’s been happening nonstop lately.
Kai-Ku had brand new weapons too: A White Sword (formerly the Rusty Sword) and a Bullet Shield. K-Krew is getting stronger with each passing session. They’ve grown up over the past ten sessions. So much character development. Anyway, this was the wtf anime moment: Toguro powered up to 50% power to break himself out of the Enkidu Chains, but it was too late.
Killion and Gundam passed the Escape Gate. Kai-Ku could’ve passed too, but he wanted to fight Toguro at 50% power. He apologized to Killion and Gundam, suffering the side-effects of their Awakening. Kai-Ku was too. Toguro took advantage of the situation and beat Kai-Ku, physically turning his head around to make him watch Killion and Gundam, outside the Escape Gate, start dying from the side-effects. Toguro was having a lot of fun with his future interns.
Eventually, Kai-Ku broke free and passed the Escape Gate in the nick of time. K-Krew officially passed the Mid-Term Exams. Principal Gen Kai healed the team before the Infection Rate killed them. Toguro was impressed with their potential and offered a internship to them all as a reward for passing the Mid-Term Exams. They accept and prepare to leave on Sunday. They’ll be gone during Thanksgiving Break (a week, or a while longer depending on the undercover task).
Roshi Nighthill and Kai-Ku had one more fight before they went home for the break. Roshi put up a good fight, but Kai-Ku was the clear victor in the rematch. Roshi has a great character arc: he went from being bullied to becoming Kai-Ku’s admirer / rival, recognized by the player himself. This was a well-earned fight between Two Heroes.
K-Krew also ask about Roshi Nighthill’s background and learn he’s connected to Governor Nighthill from Greenest, where the Enforcers first fought together as a team. They were a crazy bunch, according to Roshi and the stories he heard. This starts a conversation about Enforcers and who was the best among the three. This lore would become useful later.
Roshi vows to get stronger back home at Greenest. Kai-Ku vows to be stronger than that. Killion and Gundam are ready to stock up on items and train. This training leads to GEN KAI telling K-Krew the truth about Kai-Ku’s dark side; Kai-tick the Kin-Slayer is dwelling inside as Slifer, another alias to hide himself.
Before we dive into that however, Gundam and Shane also have a sparring match. Kai-Ku invited him to train too, and Gundam is itching to try out his Gun Blades and Data Drain’s special attack. Shane also reveals he can Earth-Bend. Their sparring match ends with Kai-Ku throwing a bomb at Shane’s Kai-tick Head. This causes Shane to get hurt, and his head is blown to pieces. The Kai-tick Head that he wore 24/7. Now, Shane must show his pretty boy face everywhere he goes.
Kai-Ku decides to give Shane his Red Sentai Helmet until a replacement can be found. Kai-Ku discovers “Real” Aarakocra Heads cost over 3,000 Gold Pieces. Kai-Ku isn’t sure how, but he’s going to get back his Red Sentai Helmet. What an interesting problem.
Back to Kai-tick the Kin-Slayer living inside Kai-Ku, Gen Kai reveals this will help Kai-Ku learn the Spirit Wave Technique, a personalized move that requires this condition. GEN KAI reveals she harbors Lord Eggza’s purified soul inside her which was the origin of the Spirit Wave Technique.
This leads to Gundam and Gen Kai fighting against an unleashed Kai-tick the Kin-Slayer. A series of NAT 20’s puts Gen Kai into the hospital. Gundam is scared for his life and tries DATA DRAIN (NAT 20) on his corrupted friend without hesitation. Eventually, Kai-Ku fell unconscious from overuse. NPC Gen Kai was totally destroyed from the encounter.
Gen Kai is taken to Nurse Kissey Kiss to recuperate. She realizes how old she’s become over the decades, unsure of how strong she is anymore. Everyone was shocked to see a PRO Hero take a beating that severe from a chaotic student. Gen Kai advises Kai-Ku to suppress Kai-tick using a crystal necklace; its ability will keep this monster at bay. This doesn’t stop Kai-Ku from messing with it though.
After all the arrangements are made, K-Krew heads out with Toguro in a submarine toward Baldur’s Gate, the most corrupt city in the Sword Coast. Their internship will require them to go undercover as villains while the PRO Heroes gather permissions through the government. They are supposed to track down Eri, formerly known as a woman named Lina Swift from the previous campaign. Menos’ wife.
Toguro is taking K-Krew, now going by D-Crew, to Light Speed Prison to interrogate Professor Gear, who had previous relations with The Cult of the Dragon. D-Crew’s… excited to see their favorite teacher before the first season ends. The players have amazing new villain outfits and weapons—courtesy of Baxter—to maintain their villainous identities.
Kai-Ku is “Monster” and decides to wield guns instead of his sword and shield
Gundam is “Dragoon” after his new robotic appearance
Killion is “Raider the Punisher” and has the Punisher Skull painted on his suit
D-Crew tortures Professor Gear for information about The Cult of the Dragon and learn important plot information:
The Cult of the Dragon, lead by XerX’s demon brother Zora, have kidnapped her from the Enforcers’ Sky Castle after Mas O’s sacrifice during “The Surgeon” Arc. They raided the city of Greenest similar to 400 years ago, but this time there was no Enforcers to stop them. It mostly worried the players because Roshi saw Killion in his villain outfit, scared that they will blow their cover if they visit Greenest.
No clear motive is established for kidnapping Eri other than the power she possesses. D-Crew are reminded about the massive power-up she gave Menos during the final battle against Lord Eggza at Fake Waterdeep. The Cult of the Dragon is either going to sell her to the highest bidder or use her for their own nefarious purposes. Either way, this team knows what’s at stake.
Luckily, they learn The Cult of the Dragon are going to Baldur’s Gate next. No need to visit Greenest and check on how they’re doing. Dragoon NAT 20 pushing Professor Gear out of his prisoner seat and left him alone to rot for everything he did to K-Krew throughout the first season.
While traveling the shortcut River to Baldur’s Gate, Toguro and D-Crew run into a big whale blocking the path. Everyone fires torpedoes to draw the whale away, but NAT 1 misfire smacked the whale hard. Toguro and Kai-Ku put on divers’ suits and help heal Whale from the injury. He is grateful and allows everyone to pass to Baldur’s Gate.
Inside the submarine is a panic room that masks Spirit Energy. This convinces the players to use it as a training room to prevent enemies from detecting them while staying in this corrupt town. They are committed to getting stronger and staying undercover.
Five minutes into going to Baldur’s Gate however… they run into a few bandits harassing children and another child getting stabbed to death. Dragoon kills a bandit NAT 20 style, and Monster saves the two children from the bad people. They decide to run back to their submarine and hide the children there, arguing about what to do with them afterwards. Killion watched all this unfold, alarmed at how dangerous Baldur’s Gate is.
The session ends on that cliffhanger… we’re ready to blast into the second season of our D&D campaign. Thanks for reading all the way to the end as always, fellow readers. The excitement will carry us into PLUS ULTRA!