Dungeons and Dragons ("DnD"): Hoard of the Dragon Queen: Episode 4 Part 1 Adventure #25
Date of Session: November 3rd, 2019 (9:30 pm to 11:00 pm)
Number of Players: 3
Legendary Hero Menos (Dragon-born Paladin)
Kai-tick, Kin-slayer and “Servant” (Aarakocra Rogue)
XerX, the “X” Archer and “Master” (NOBLE Half-Elf Ranger)
This was a low-key session to tie up loose ends in Greenest and prepare for episode 4: On The Road. Captain Leon has assembled the Enforcers as an official sub-squad, and wants to prepare them for their first mission. They will travel to Waterdeep to uncover the dark secrets of the Cult of the Dragon… by taking a job as security guards for this caravan who needs protection. Captain Leon knows the Cult of the Dragon has agents in that caravan and wants the Enforcers to follow them to see if they know where the next Dragon Eggs are.
Kai-tick tries to bond with his son CJ. XerX is awkward with his daughter Azula and his best friend Zora. Menos and Lina decide to get marry… his mother warns him about an ancient curse she placed on him about marriage and bastard children. This was a main motivator for Menos to propose. They get married later in the session using kryptonite rings. Cass the Red is their priest and continues to hate Menos. Governor Nighthill was put into debt by the Enforcers. They purchased three days of sandwiches for their next adventure toward Elturiel, where Captain Leon’s friend Anthony awaited them. Guess who was paying for those sandwiches? Poor Governor Nighthill.
CJ and Azula are interesting time-displaced children. Kai-tick and CJ struggled to bond while XerX made a waiter pee his pants for disrespecting him in front of his daughter. I couldn’t believe this happened. The waiter claimed Bubby was the only strong Enforcer, and XerX took offense. Spending the days with their kids was a nice thing to do. I think Kai-tick and XerX secretly like having these kids looking after their base of operations.
Kai-tick and CJ ended up reading together at the library. XerX ends up trusting Zora to look after his daughter. XerX’s uncomfortable about having a daughter, and is secretly okay with Zora and Azula’s… fondness for each other.
Menos and Lina had the funniest interaction. He denies his affection but he makes sure no one mentions Kurt as her husband ever again or else. Menos is the only husband for Lina. This was too funny. Menos is officially married to Lina Swift. And she’s carrying his child. Their days in Greenest are officially over.
Yeah. This session was dedicated to finishing their time in Greenest. The Enforcers did a lot of reflecting on the way out, and wondered what was in store for them. The villagers thanked the Enforcers—cheered them on—for saving Greenest at least five times from Mas O’s Goblin invasion / Blue Eyes, Ginyu Force, Seto and Mokuba’s alternate reality for attention, Team HIVE sent by Mirna-1, The Beast’s invasion, and Lord Eggza. Wow. It got wild at times.
Even Bubby got a honorable mention as this player was there at the beginning of their time in Greenest. Food and drinks are named after him. I stole this idea from The Flash.
The Enforcers finally high tail it out of that place. They are excited to travel again. Me too.