Dungeons and Dragons ("DnD"): The Rise of Tiamat: Season 1 Episode 6 Adventure #37
D&D The Rise of Tiamat: Season 1 Episode 6
Date of Session: February 16th, 2020 (9:00pm to 12:00am)
Number of Players: 3
Kai-Ku Midoriya (FIGHTER Human) Level 3
Gundam, Model K (SOLDIER War Forged) Level 3
Killion Gilgamesh (WIZARD Avariel ) Level 3
Series Regulars NPCs (characters who’ve appeared in 5+ consecutive sessions):
Principal Kruger (Male Tabaxi, Power: Unknown)
Roshi Nighthill (Chibi Human, Power: Bulk Up)
Recurring Guest Star NPCs:
Professor Stoner Head (Mummy, Combat Teacher, Power: Negation)
Gustin the Goblin (nicknamed, “Twenty”, Doctor Suresh’s Ex-Minion)
Bran Whitey (Fat Human, Father of DECEASED Samuel, Owner of Samuel High Flyers)
Jessica Chang (Female Human, Kai-tick Red Student)
Tyler Tatum (Male Blind Human, Kai-tick Red Student)
Baxter (Cow Humanoid, HERO Support Worker)
New NPCs introduced:
Gen Kai (C-Ranked Pro Hero Masked Fighter, Gambler, and Mas O’s former protege)
Dan Whitey (Bran’s Human Brother, Uncle of Samuel, Samuel High Flyers Athlete)
Guy, Pal, and Buddy (Three Ogre Brothers, work for Samuel High Flyers)
Unnamed Announcer (Male Human, Speaker of Samuel High Flyers)
Unnamed Urameshi Innkeeper (Male Human)
Unnamed Cowboy Hunter (Male Human, Gambler)
The beginning of a new arc, season 1B, is called “The Search for Gen Kai”. I structured this D&D arc as Yu Yu Hakusho if their Gen Kai had a serious gambling addiction like Tsunade from Naruto. The players (“K-Krew”) are looking for someone named Gen Kai, a Pro Hero that operates in Urameshi City. They need a trustworthy teacher and mentor to replace Professor Mas O after his noble sacrifice back to Ninth Hell.
The session begins with K-Krew waking up at Menos Blue Dorm. They are still staying there even after “The Surgeon Arc” concluded. Roshi and friends are getting ready for second week of classes. K-Krew want Roshi to hang out with Spook more, and Roshi is more than happy to make another friend.
After this, K-Krew decide to go on a jog and bump into Principal Kruger jogging as well. He explains more about Gen Kai and how it’ll be difficult persuading her to join HERO Academy as the new Homeroom Teacher. Principal Kruger also reminds them of their departure time, 9:00 am. They have two hours beforehand to get items and whatever else they may need for their week-long vacation in Urameshi City.
They grab potions of healing from the General Store, a used TV from an old XerX Yellow party bus, and a bag of unopened chips. Also, a lot of wire and rope. Professor Mirna was originally going to fly K-Krew to Urameshi City, but she got stuck with school business. It helped that Professor Stoner Head was more than willing to take her spot. He had issues to resolve with Gen Kai. Romantic Issues.
Professor Stoner cleans the Bus Plane and has Baxter ready it for use. Since the Blue Eyes Jet was destroyed in the last arc, K-Krew has to use this low-level jet for the time being. It makes sense to them considering the darkness of the previous session. After Kai-Ku and K-Gundam are done messing with the engine wheels, Professor Stoner Head gets ready for takeoff. They blast off into the sky, like the bus scene from Sky High.
K-Krew is ready for their next adventure, needing a break from HERO Academy. They want to stop the corruption at the school too. They think Gen Kai is able to help them after they learn more about her backstory from Professor Stoner Head.
Gen Kai was a former student at HERO Academy, a current Pro HERO, and a protege that worked under Professor Mas O. Professor Stoner Head and her were an item during their time at HERO Academy to say the least. Eventually, unclear when, Gen Kai left the HERO Academy behind because she couldn’t stand the corruption there. K-Krew believe siding with her is their best shot at saving HERO Academy from Principal Kruger’s corruption.
Gen Kai is currently operating as “The Masked Fighter of Urameshi City”, a Las Vegas-like place. K-Krew also see her on television fighting off a huge robot. Classic superhero stuff.
Sometime after small role-playing moments like new phones, Googling, and playing app games, Professor Stoner Head informs the students that the Bus Plane has gotten caught in a large tractor beam. Kai-Ku and Killion try to escape first, but their attempts don’t play out well with the d20 rolls.
K-Gundam gets a phone call saying, “See You Soon.” The television gets hacked too by the same caller. The kidnapper speaks to them using a voice modifier. He tells them that he’s interested in seeing them again, especially K-Gundam. K-Krew demands their kidnapper stop being so vague. The television shuts off at that point.
Once the Bus Plane gets closer, everyone notices the big dome stadium hiding in the sky. The Bus Plane is taken inside a dark hanger place. K-Krew and Professor Stoner Head are close to stepping outside until the lights come on. The brightness reveals 24 armed men have surrounded them. Kai-Ku does a distraction to help Killion with his NAT 20 hide up in the ceiling beams. Gundam, Kai-Ku, and Professor Stoner Head are left to confront an unavoidable situation.
The villain behind the kidnapping is Bran Whitey. Last seen in episode three, Bran has since created a coliseum ring called “Samuel High Flyers” in honor of his deceased son. He wants K-Gundam, a unique robot, to join the entertainment for the one-percenters. Everyone quickly figures out that Bran Whitey is not willing to take “no” as answer and that they’ll be slaves to these games. They aren’t wrong.
Killion watches from afar. K-Krew and Bran come to a tense agreement. Bran is willing to let them leave if they manage to win 3 out of 5 mini-games against his undefeated team in front of a live audience. In addition, Bran’s willing to give them 600 gold pieces. To get more gold, K-Krew offer Kai-Ku and Killion (if he happens to be on board this plane). Bran originally wanted only K-Gundam and will now get them all if his team beats them now.
Bran accepts the terms and orders his soldiers to escort them away. Everyone willingly gets handcuffed. Killion follows, getting close calls along the way, but he stays hidden. Inside the enclosed prison room, Killion and Kai-Ku are reunited with the Goblin from previous sessions; the one who worked with Doctor Suresh and K-Gundam shot in the head (NAT 20’d).
He reveals his name as Gustin the Goblin, but Kai-Ku nicknamed him “Twenty”. This name sticks fast. Twenty explains after he was shot down by Gilgamesh during their intense jet battle in the last session, he crashed into “Samuel High Flyers” and taken prisoner by Bran Whitey. Twenty was told to wait until Bran Whitey “recruited” more players for the next set of games.
K-Gundam and Kai-Ku had no intention of waiting and unlocked their cuffs. They didn’t bother to check for cameras. As a result, the floor shocked everyone. Outside the prison room, Killion spots one guard outside and tries to take him out. At the same time inside, K-Gundam did a maneuver using wire and electric shock to unlock the door. K-Krew was reunited with Professor Stoner Head NAT 20-ing the guard unconscious.
They swipe the keys off the guard and unlock the cuffs. Twenty is officially on the side of good… at least until they all escape from this freak show. Twenty also takes a gun off the unconscious guard. Everyone proceeds cautiously and away from more guards. They get into a cargo elevator hoping it’ll take them to the hanger. Instead, it was going up to the coliseum area. K-Krew, Professor Stoner Head, and Twenty (5-man team) became ready to play the rich man’s sick games.
Everyone plays a series of games with the gold piece reward going up to 1,410 Gold Pieces in addition to freedom. Professor Stoner Head has no interest in money; he only wants to reunite with Gen Kai. Twenty wants part of the reward split with him, but K-Krew refused because he didn’t bet his life like they did.
Bran Whitey introduces the team: his brother Dan Whitey, three Ogres named Guy, Pal, and Buddy, and the Announcer. The games are chosen and played until 3 out of wins are claimed by one team. K-Krew wipes the floor with these amateurs in Basketball, Giant’s Musical Chairs, and Greased Pig Chase. K-Gundam shot the winning shot, Kai-Ku tossed his boomerang during Musical Chairs, and Killion caught the Pig during the first round.
K-Krew won 3 out of 5 games and humiliated Bran Whitey in front of his audience. Dan Whitey’s pride was severely damaged; he screamed at the three Ogres and called them idiots throughout the games. Bran Whitey ordered his 24 soldiers, breaking the deal in the process, to recapture K-Krew + Professor Stoner Head + Twenty. Bran Whitey claims this is the “final game”.
Using the power of anime teamwork, K-Krew and friends are able to defeat all 24 soldiers quickly and without killing any of them. Bran Whitey is furious over this Humiliation, but he reluctantly gives K-Krew their reward and allows them to leave Samuel High Flyers. This kidnapping was officially behind K-Krew, Professor Stoner Head, and Twenty the Goblin.
They hopped on the Bus Plane and flew out of Samuel High Flyers for good. A rainstorm started soon after they took off, but it was better than being enslaved by someone who didn’t appreciate K-Krew helping him out earlier in this campaign. They even told Bran Whitey that Samuel would be ashamed of what’s he doing at Samuel High Flyers.
After an hour of flying through the rainstorm, Professor Stoner Head tells K-Krew and Twenty that they’ve arrived in Urameshi City. The city is incredibly bright and cheerful. Professor Stoner Head lands the Bus Plane onto an empty street and switches the bus into the grounded mode. They drop Twenty afterwards, not willing to trust him based purely on past interactions.
Twenty accepts their decision and leaves the bus to fend for himself in Urameshi City. Professor Stoner Head agrees with K-Krew’s decision and tells Twenty that he’s really getting off easy. Twenty acknowledges this, and departs from K-Krew to lay low. He’s technically still wanted for associating with Doctor Suresh’s crimes, but K-Krew gives Twenty a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance.
After dropping Twenty off, K-Krew and Professor Stoner Head check into the nearest Inn. K-Krew goes to the lounge area after coercing their teacher into paying for their rooms. I enjoyed fleshing out Professor Stoner Head’s character and his cheapness. He’s trying to save his gold pieces for romancing Gen Kai.
K-Krew played darts with three unnamed Goblins to practice their gambling and hustling skills. K-Gundam represented K-Krew ,and managed to win 10 Gold Pieces off them and a handgun. It was a close game too. After they embarrassed the Goblins at their own game, K-Krew and Professor Stoner Head go grocery shopping.
Everyone buys potion of healings, rope + wire, and condoms. Yes, condoms. Once they start to finish up, three bandits try to rob the store and encounter K-Krew. The robbers are incompetent. They NAT 1 two out of three guns during round one and get defeated.
Masked Fighter, Gen Kai, arrives at the scene and compliment K-Krew on beating the low-level thugs. She is annoyed at Professor Stoner Head’s attempts to romance her. She’s also devastated to hear about Professor Mas O’s heroic sacrifice, but she’s glad Professor Mas O finally became a true hero. Gen Kai also grows concerned about the return of Great Demon, Lian Yu and what it means regarding The Rise of Tiamat. She’s willing to return to HERO Academy as K-Krew’s mentor and new Homeroom Teacher.
However, Gen Kai reveals that she’s in debt to Urameshi City’s Casino, and works her debt off as a Pro Hero. The debt amount is 15,000 Gold Pieces. K-Krew agree to help pay off the huge debt. They really want Gen Kai to return with them. It was their best shot at making HERO Academy a better school for student heroes. Gen Kai informs K-Krew and Professor Stoner that she has a gambling event tonight at Urameshi City’s Casino, and they resume talking then. For now, Gen Kai has to continue her Pro Hero Work Shift.
K-Krew and Professor Stoner Head go back to the Inn for more darts. They encounter the same three Goblins in addition to Twenty. He’s trying to start over and is surprised to see them so soon. Killion starts talking bad about the other Goblins and starts a rumble that stops all the games going on in the lounge place. K-Krew and Twenty realize they have to figure out how make gold pieces faster than darts.
An unnamed Cowboy Hunter enters the Inn. K-Krew start a scam to get some gold pieces off him. They hustle the Cowboy Hunter with “The Winchester Gun”, claiming they own a legendary Colt that can kill Gods. Cowboy Hunter is enticed into the trap and pays 11,000 Gold Pieces for the Gun. In a turn of events, Cowboy Hunter tries to use it on Killion. They scuffle, which ends with the Inn Keeper kicking Cowboy Hunter out for disrupting things.
Kai-Ku feels bad about what happened, not feeling right about it, and thinks they should help Cowboy Hunter somehow. Killion and K-Gundam get roped into this self-doubt, and they go looking for the Cowboy Hunter. Kai-Ku and Twenty go to the Greenhouse Herbals Shop. Professor Stoner Head goes to get something, hoping to win Gen Kai over.
Kai-Ku tries to sell “Forget Me” Flowers and learn that they’re very illegal and on campus. They were also used to drug all the students into forgetting the Doctor Suresh Incidents in addition to Professor Mas O’s sacrifice to Ninth Hell. Kai-Ku was determined to stop it.
Killion and K-Gundam find Cowboy Hunter beaten up in an alley. They discovered the Inn Keeper beat him worse than they thought. Cowboy Hunter was barely able to crawl away to safety. K-Gundam and Killion wondered what to do with Cowboy Hunter. They weren’t going to give up the 11,000 Gold Pieces. They did give him 100 however after Killion casts Charmed Person on Cowboy Hunter.
Kai-Ku and Twenty meet up with K-Krew around this time. Killion tells Cowboy Hunter to turn himself in to the police for threatening someone with a gun. Cowboy Hunter agrees under the influence and leaves the scene. Kai-Ku doesn’t feel right about what happened but it’s already been done. Professor Stoner Head finds them and presents them with IDs that will be helpful in the next session.
Professor Stoner Head asks how K-Krew got 10,900 Gold Pieces. K-Gundam rolls a NAT 20 declaring, “THEY ARE K-KREW!” - The perfect way to end the session as he holds the cash with determination alongside his friends and allies. EVERY NAT 20 MATTERS!
Thanks for reading. I’ll see you all at the next session recap!