Dungeons and Dragons ("DnD"): The Rise of Tiamat: Season 4 Episode 33 Adventure #65
Date of Session: September 19, 2020 (9:30 pm to 11:30 pm)
Number of Players: 3
1. Eira (Male Variant Human, BARD) Level 6
2. Digit (Male Dragon-Born Cleric) Level 6
3. Chibi (Male Feline Paladin) Level 6
Series Regular NPCs:
1. Mas O (Male Dragon-born, Menos’ older brother, former teacher and current Head of EDC Agency)
2. Kya Charisma (Female Human, EDC Agency’s Secretary) - ABSENT
Recurring NPCS:
1. James Blondie (Ancient Vampire, Gilgamesh’s First Son, EDC’s “Prisoner”)
2. Death Note (Male Demon, Apple Lover)
3. Lily Nighthill (Female Human, Roshi’s younger sister, Swordswoman)
4. Pegasus (Male Pegasus Humanoid, Warrior Kingdom’s Owner)
5. Twenty the Goblin (Male Berserker, Team EDC’s newest Pilot)
6. Roshi Nighthill (Male Human, Pro Hero, Mas O’s Former HERO Student)
New NPCs Introduced:
1. Drunken Spirit (Male Samurai Ghost, 2nd Floor Test Master)
2. Unnamed 3rd Floor Master (Male Humanoid, easily defeated)
Season 4 Episode 6—the mid-season premiere—kicked off the players’ challenge up the second floor, where they had to get drunk to see a Drunken Spirit. Whoever found and defeated this spirit could advance to the next floor. Most participants couldn’t get past the “drunk” aspect of the 2nd Floor.
Honestly, most participants didn’t want to leave and spent their Pro Hero retirement drinking on that floor. The players thought that wasn’t the worst thing—free endless drinks—but they had a job to do. So, they drank like crazy in-game and IRL. Mas O went harder than anyone, having missed drinking since his time being trapped in Ninth Hell. James Blondie did the same, hating the lack of delicious blood on this floor. The players wanted food too, but only drinks were on this Floor to “help” the participants.
The players did some crazy stuff like attacking each other out of accidental and purposeful drunkenness and electrified James Blondie for too much fun. They eventually convinced the Drunken Spirit to let them pass and leave the 2nd Floor to find some peace in the afterlife. They passed the 2nd Floor and left those still seeking out the Drunken Spirit doomed to fail since they needed to find the Drunken Spirit too.
Pegasus sent everyone a recorded message as a result, telling them that the 2nd Floor is currently out of commission. The players were really proud of delaying everyone else from proceeding higher up the Pro Hero Tower Resort. Not going to lie, I was somewhat borrowing from Tower of God Webtoon during this session.
The players fought against a Drunk Master next, who gave them a hard time with his Drunken Sword Style. However, Mas O actually helped this time with a full swing of his Great Sword. Digit was knocked out this whole fight, having a rolled a Nat 1 and falling unconscious from all the drinking. Mas O did the same thing earlier, rolling Nat 1’s and passing out from excessive drinking.
The 3rd Floor went quickly. The Hell Fire Floor Master was taken out quickly with Chibi’s Nat 20 sneak attack. I had such a good set-up for this Floor, but the Nat 20 spoke and took control of the narrative. Eira noticed girls—and other male participants, but he only paid attention to the girls—strung up above the Hell Fire. Due to a low perception roll, the flames made it difficult for him to see if they were “pretty” or not. By the end, they were taken away to be kicked out of the Pro Hero Tower Resort for failing to pass the 3rd Floor.
On the way to the Fourth Floor, the players decided to climb the elevator shaft and noticed a few of the missing Pro Heroes—including Roshi Nighthill—being taken to a secret “Hidden Floor” in-between the main floors. Digit tried to find a secret elevator button but rolled a Nat 1 and broke his finger pressing too hard against the panel. After some healing, they decided to go the “normal” way and followed the guards up to the Hidden Floor.
They failed to sneak though and sounded an alarm. The guards proved too bothersome, so Mas O and James Blondie fought them while the players followed where the missing Pro Heroes were being taken. They discovered dozens of them in test pods and Pegasus overseeing the operation. Pegasus revealed he was affiliated with Wolfram Hart—the law firm back in Got-Ham City—and was tasked with distracting Team EDC while Wolfram Hart planned a ritual to resurrect Lord Eggza from “lack of existence”.
Given what Kai-tick did to Lord Eggza at the end of the Hoard of the Dragon Queen campaign back in January 2020, Wolfram Hart needs to find all the missing pieces—or at least enough—of Lord Eggza to fully resurrect him back into physical existence.
To accomplish this impossible task, Wolfram Hart attacked and destroyed parts of Team EDC’s Hotel to capture Kya Charisma—their secretary—because she is from a long-line of psychics. Kya is the sacrifice and the only one able to locate the parts of Lord Eggza scattered across the multiverse. Team EDC was mostly infuriated that the Hotel they worked so hard on had gone partially into flames. They rushed Pegasus and vowed to return in time to stop Wolfram Hart.
Pegasus proved to be an incredibly powerful opponent, having absorbed the powers of Pro Hero Roshi Nighthill into his being. Pegasus’ physical strength matched all three players and overwhelmed Digit’s familiars, having killed one with a six-punch ROSHI SMASH! Chibi had to transform into full feline and Eira played the power of his new Guitar to weaken Pegasus, who threw up Roshi Nighthill.
In the end, Team EDC killed Pegasus and beat the crap out of the accountant who was in charge of the money. Chibi secured a check for 2 million gold pieces—the money they were promised—so he hoped it’ll clear before this Pro Hero Tower Resort business goes up in flames. Twenty the Goblin crashes the plane into the Tower Resort, having been called by Mas O to pick them up. Mas O and James Blondie took longer than usual to handle a few guards because they were still drunk—still drinking hard liquor.
On the way back to Got-Ham City, Digit jumped into a healing chamber to speed up the long rest recovery. Then he decided to leave the plane—wanting to give a funeral for his familiar—despite Got-Ham City being in great trouble and a potential Lord Eggza resurrection. The player wanted to switch characters for the October session, but he assured me this will be short-term.
The awesome cliffhanger was longer than expected—two-weeks hiatus—due to extended family coming to hang out, but the adventures will always be waiting for us. I look forward to seeing what happens next once the players return to Got-Ham City with a new character helping them in the fight against Wolfram Hart. Thanks for reading this session recap, everyone! Let’s keep the hero’s journey going until The Rise of Tiamat ends!