Supernatural 14x15 "Peace of Mind" Episode Review
Major Spoilers are included in this episode review. Please read with caution.
Sam Winchester is grieving. The Apocalypse World hunters are (mostly?) killed off, and he is feeling the burden of guilt for their deaths. Maggie’s death was the worst because the show took the time to develop her character all for the purpose of killing her off. That’s honestly not right, and where Supernatural has to improve upon in future seasons. That’s right, I put the plural there. This show is probably not going anywhere anytime soon. Anyway, Sam pulls a “Dean” and dives into hunting to avoid dealing with emotional trauma. It’s more a Winchester move because Mary did the same thing to deal with her resurrection.
The episode broke Team Free Will 2.0 into two teams: Castiel and Sam, Dean and Jack.
Castiel and Sam are dealing with a human with special powers. He can warp other people but not angels into different personalities and made Sam into a happy-going camper named Justin. I thought this was a great way to give Castiel amazing one-liners in his deadpan tone. He even pointed out cliche dialogue, which I’m more self-aware of, thanks Writer’s Group, regarding how villains’ go into villain monologues, which is so Supernatural.
Dean and Jack go visit the soulless prophet for the answers. That sounds awesome, but it’s really just Donatello readjusting to life. While Donatello has no definitive answers for Dean or Jack regarding the soul, we are given a cool visual on what it means to not have a soul. While Donatello believes Jack will be okay, how Jack killed his snake proves how soulless he’s become… guess we’re going to stick Jack in the box, and that’s a future episode title… Supernatural of it all.