It all started when…

Eleanor Shellstrop died. She is taken to “The Good Place”, the show’s version of Heaven and afterlife. The premise of the show is Eleanor discovering she was taken there by mistake and must learn to become a better person. At this point in the show, it’s hard to talk about without spoiling it to new viewers. Just watch and enjoy… every episode ends on a cliffhanger so it’s really binge-able.

My Season 3 and 4 episode reviews are listed below.

Season Four

  1. 4x01 “A Girl From Arizona, Part One”

  2. 4x02 “A Girl From Arizona, Part Two”

  3. 4x03 “Chillaxing”

  4. 4x04 “Tinker, Tailor, Demon, Spy”

  5. 4x05 “Employee of the Bearimy”

  6. 4x06 “A Chip Driver Mystery”

  7. 4x07 “Help Is The Other People”

  8. 4x08 “The Funeral to End All Funerals”

Season Three

  1. 3x01/3x02 “Everything Is Bonzer!”

  2. 3x03 “The Brainy Bunch”

  3. 3x04 “The Snowplow”

  4. 3x05 “Jeremy Bearimy”

  5. 3x06 “The Ballad of Donkey Doug”

  6. 3x07 “A Fractured Inheritance”

  7. 3x08 “The Worst Possible Use Of Free Will”

  8. 3x09 “Don’t Let The Good Life Pass You By”

  9. 3x10 “Janet(s)”

  10. 3x11 “The Book of Dougs”

  11. 3x12 “Chidi Sees The Time-Knife”

  12. 3x13 “Pandemonium”